Sejumlah objek wisata China bisa diakses gratis jika hafal puisi

China is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning tourist attractions. From the Great Wall to the Forbidden City, there is no shortage of incredible sites to visit in this vast and beautiful country. However, some of these attractions can come with a hefty price tag, making it difficult for budget travelers to fully experience all that China has to offer.

But for those who are willing to put in a little extra effort, there is a unique opportunity to access some of China’s top tourist attractions for free. How, you may ask? By simply memorizing a poem.

In recent years, several tourist sites in China have implemented a special promotion where visitors who can recite a specific poem or piece of literature are granted free access to the attraction. This initiative aims to promote Chinese culture and literature, as well as provide an incentive for visitors to engage more deeply with the sites they are visiting.

One of the most famous examples of this promotion is at the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan. Visitors who can recite a poem about the tower by the famous poet Cui Hao can enter the tower for free. Similarly, at the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, visitors who can recite a Buddhist scripture are granted free entry.

This unique promotion has been met with enthusiasm from both locals and tourists alike. Not only does it provide a fun and interactive way to experience these attractions, but it also encourages a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture and literature.

So if you’re planning a trip to China and looking to save some money while still experiencing the country’s top tourist attractions, consider brushing up on your poetry skills. Who knows, you might just find yourself enjoying free entry to some of China’s most iconic sites by simply reciting a few verses.

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