Ceres gelar kegiatan donasi Ceres Tabur Kebaikan 2024

Ceres, a well-known food and beverage company, recently organized a donation event called “Ceres Tabur Kebaikan 2024” as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. The event aimed to spread kindness and help those in need in the community.

The event took place at a local community center, where volunteers from Ceres distributed food, clothing, and other essential items to families and individuals facing financial difficulties. The donations were made possible through the contributions of Ceres employees, partners, and customers who generously donated items for the event.

In addition to the donation drive, Ceres also organized various activities for the beneficiaries, including games, workshops, and entertainment performances. The goal was to create a festive and uplifting atmosphere for the recipients, allowing them to enjoy a day of fun and relaxation.

Ceres’ commitment to giving back to the community through events like “Ceres Tabur Kebaikan 2024” reflects their dedication to making a positive impact on society. By providing support to those in need, Ceres is not only fulfilling their CSR goals but also fostering a sense of unity and compassion within the community.

The event received positive feedback from both the beneficiaries and volunteers, who expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Through their continued efforts to organize donation drives and other charitable activities, Ceres is setting an example for other corporations to follow in giving back to society.

As the saying goes, “It is better to give than to receive,” and Ceres’ commitment to spreading kindness and generosity through events like “Ceres Tabur Kebaikan 2024” is a testament to the power of giving. By coming together as a community to support those in need, we can create a more compassionate and caring society for all.

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