Starbucks Indonesia jaga industri kopi lokal lewat pemberian bibit

Starbucks Indonesia has been making waves in the local coffee industry by providing local farmers with high-quality coffee seedlings. Through their coffee seedling program, Starbucks Indonesia aims to support and empower local coffee farmers to improve the quality of their coffee beans and ultimately boost the entire coffee industry in the country.

The coffee seedling program, which was launched in 2017, provides local farmers with high-quality coffee seedlings that are carefully selected and cultivated by Starbucks Indonesia. These seedlings are then distributed to farmers in coffee-growing regions across Indonesia, such as Aceh, North Sumatra, West Java, and East Java. By providing farmers with these high-quality seedlings, Starbucks Indonesia is helping to improve the quality and yield of their coffee crops, which in turn benefits the entire coffee industry in Indonesia.

In addition to providing coffee seedlings, Starbucks Indonesia also offers training and support to farmers to help them improve their farming practices and increase the sustainability of their coffee farms. This includes training on best practices for planting, harvesting, and processing coffee beans, as well as guidance on how to improve the quality of their crops.

By supporting local farmers in this way, Starbucks Indonesia is not only helping to improve the quality of Indonesian coffee, but also ensuring the long-term sustainability of the industry. By providing farmers with the resources and knowledge they need to succeed, Starbucks Indonesia is helping to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for the coffee industry in Indonesia.

Overall, Starbucks Indonesia’s coffee seedling program is a shining example of how a multinational corporation can work hand-in-hand with local farmers to support and strengthen the local coffee industry. By providing farmers with high-quality seedlings, training, and support, Starbucks Indonesia is helping to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the coffee industry in Indonesia.

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